Monday, 16 February 2015

The Definition of Justice

"Nobody has the right to judge but they do, it's when they do, it's when they do it to someone that they barely even know that is injustice, it's the  imposition, wasted negative energy towards a single person without a just cause that's injustice. Where I come from if someone has done something or even said something or both that offends or even insults someone, thereby causing offence, the reason of annoyance and a well used negative vibe is tolerant and understood but if however non of these things have been taken into effect then it's therefore inexcusable to tolerate such a reception as that. Why should you? Still the hatred is there and for no reason at all! Love thy neighbour as one's self we get taught from such an early age but what power does it have? It has much power and thus revenge and vengeance is introduced because the most piercing thing that would hurt your enemies would be to be nice to them and believe me it works because I tried it once in my desperation but that is another tale all in it's self. It's the understanding that hurts the most, when  you can clearly understand and not just that but feel the predicament that another has to hate viciously and  yet even that is not without it's solution. So why have I offended? If I have offended tell me the reason one has offended and let us make amends, put aside the wasted energy or hate and replace it with love. If not a reason to hate me then why hate? Is it because of what the eye can see or the walls that we all put up to protect  the  ones that we love and ourselves for that matter? We all do it for love and it's only understandable to second guess, question or even analyse in suspicion  those that knock at the door to enter in. I'm not asking for much just a chance worth the chance to do exactly as you asked for; to 'get to know you to'. God knows my purpose and if I do offend take it up with Him, my Father and He will tell you exactly the same thing for reason of my intentions. If these hands have offended, if I have done wrong and if this mouth has thus offended thee I am sorry." I said but they said nothing for they knew what to say but stand and watch me.

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