Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Something To Live For

My Notes

Hey all, here's yet another piece from me (of course) and with a little story behind it, as most things that I say and write, the only difference is that this one just so happens to be a piece that inspired a certain scene in my trilogy between two characters. Apart from that there's not much actually to it. Well, that's all from me now until my next post and as always Happy Reading!

"Why aren't I ready for this?" I asked "Why can't I do this?" Staring at them I pleaded an answer, some form of explanation around all of this.
"I think if we knew all of what He knew about people, things, places and more and not just the half of it or quarter of it but every little thing, every single detail we won't handle it. We'll get scared because that's what we do and we won't be able to find any way possible to be able to comprehend it..." They answered slowly and then paused staring out into space as if seeing something or as if reaching for something even; something that wasn't there.
"That's why we know what we know...because we can hold onto it and because we know that it's there. God only knows that we'll keep on holding onto that and never let it go." They concluded, recoiling back into reality once more I saw it in their eyes as they looked back at me and smiled. A smile...but it would've been a tear if they hadn't stopped themselves from doing so, if something hadn't stopped them from doing so, no, if He  (The Great I Am) didn't stop them from crying out and  shattering into the tiniest of pieces I knew because it was the same with me to, a price that we all have to pay and yet because of Him we stand firm and free. The breaking point, something that is out there somewhere but then again not, not seen but there...somehow pulling us away but we find a way back again, He helps us find a way back again.

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