Thursday, 18 December 2014

The Call And The Calling

My precence was beckoned, I could feel it in my soul and I could feel it in the air all around me. I could see it to in the crisp dawn of day and in the twilight nights when all lay their head to rest until another day. It was like the Light mist of the clouds, the highest of branches, the strongest of Lights bursting through from out of the darkness, the purest of things, the excellence of a galaxy this feeling was. What was this feeling, you might ask? Was it joy, was it love, was it laughter on the sunniest of days or was it just will? This feeling that somehow captivated me was above all of those things and more, a part of them it was, a spark of them, it was the fire that burned in my eyes; this feeling was hope. The hope to believe in the impossible and to make that possible but above all to believe. God only knows that I believe that a new day is dawning and that it won't fall; that I won't fall. The calling came a sudden, a mixture of exstatic energy, strength and will drove me on and in a whisper I heard the wind calling my name and in my body I felt myself enpowered, reaching for the hilt of my shinning white sword that layed rested besides me. I was kneeling at this point, grapsing the hilt of my sword all the while and I felt strong again for He had strengthened me.

My Notes

I don't usually do this but since I've been planning to do this for a while why not? This post, as well as being a post comes with a soundtrack as well, well sort of just a song that I think best relates this piece of writing. A pretty neat idea if you ask me and I'll try and do this for almost all my posts from now on (but no promises). Now, without any further adue here's the song called: Human Legacy by Ivan Torrent (please click on the link below) and as always Happy Reading or rather Happy Listening!

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