Thursday 30 October 2014


The girl walked and then she stopped, standing frozen as she stared out towards the white wall and the wooden cross that hung on it, a cross that seemed to be staring back at her smiling. Breath, she thought to herself, taking another step and then breathing, taking yet another step and then breathing, breathing, breathing, slow and steady breaths as she slowly made her ways towards the wall with the cross. Breathing once more she knelt, bowing her head before she done so because she knew that she would be safe and that here, out of any place in the world, He would hear her. Head bowed she closed her eyes and prayed; praying about the world, her family, her loved ones and then herself. The girl even thanked Him for all that He was doing in her life and all that He was going to do and in the soundness of it all she contemplated. It was a contemplation that He would pick her for such a time as this, to fulfil His purpose for her.

Somewhere else....

Sitting wide eyed sleep overcame me, I could've fallen asleep at any moment but I didn't; despite the cries of my fellow students chatting, shouting and craving the attention of a rather enthusiastic teacher. The teacher wondered around the room hastily attending their every whim while all I done was sit, scribbling on the blank paper filled with numbers that got given to me and was now laid out upon the pale desk in front of me. All I saw were numbers, an estranged sequence of numbers that meant nothing to me so my mind went blank and as my mind went blank my eyes wondered and for a moment I faded into an invisible presence yet I was still there. I found myself glancing upon the friendly and the new faces that were passing the room, a lover's caring face among them, his eyes fixated with absolute characterised concentration upon the jumbled numbers that he was currently attempting to work out. My eyes stayed on him for seconds before glancing over to my right where another few faces batted his wide eyes towards the teacher and all the while I wondered how fragile and ladylike that new face was (well, for a boy that is). However I only spared a second on him before my eyes found the distant horizon beyond the white building that concealed it. Trees stood there, however few but so many in the joy of it all I saw the green and I saw the vines that sprouted up from them and I could just imagine who might live amongst those trees if not for the polluted air and the buildings that drove the wildlife away. In it's beauty I pondered a wondering song and I saw what it could've been from what it was then. A field of green trees just reaching, lifting up into  the air like the way most do when our Father enters the room and we reach out to him. There was something about those trees in the distant treeline that made me think of home and as I thought of home I was in a trance, captivated and fascinated that very soon one day that I'll be there soon. Now I stayed for a second before the frozen time melted away and the moment was ended. For now at least I saw and I remembered a place not far from here but dear to my heart.

Somewhere else, somewhere there but it's not there. Somewhere that is there in me and there in my heart.


My Note

Another notification for you all from me (I know, I know).
Okay so as a sort of more attraction type thing for this blog I've decided to ask some of my friends and loved ones to write a few words or two for this blog as a sort of guest appearance type thing. This basically means that you won't only be hearing from me but from them as well! Expect the unexpected is all I can say in terms of what to expect from the 'guest appearances' (no seriously I have no idea what they'll write). Apart from that you'll hear from me soon and like always until my next post!

Monday 27 October 2014

Freedom...well sort of

My Notes

It's finally my half-term, as you can properly guess by the title, I'm on about how much free time that I actually have which is a lot, besdies one college assignment. That's the good news. The bad news is that my internet is down and so I'll officially be prohibited from writing anything until it's fixed (I know very sad stuff indeed). Otherwise expect a new post shortly (whenever that is). Happy Half-term peoples!
And as always until my next post.

Friday 24 October 2014


My Note

Judging by the title of the this post you'd think that it's about stargazing wouldn't you? And even if you'd guessed that (which most people automatically would) then you'd partially be right but then again if you guessed something else entirely then you'd still only be partially right. Now, my job as the writer isn't to make you guess but to read, in a way that just goes by one of the sayings which I have which goes a little something like this: 'I'll write and you read'. This also goes by another saying that I also have, under the similar lines of: 'I'll write and you act'; these two sayings you'd think are simple enough and they are in the extent of me still writing to you but anyway back to the purpose of the title. The meaning of it all I often find is similar to Shakespeare's play called 'Much ADo About Nothing' which is exactly why I wrote this piece in the first a Lot ADo About Nothing. With that in mind will you join me then as I tell you the tale about a Lot ADo About Nothing and a Little ADo About Everything?

It's strange how the light touches the earth from across the sky, heck it's even stranger to have someone that you love spared away from the person that you'd cared for before for so long. It's not a bad strange though, in fact it's the complete opposite because it's a good strange (something which is really hard to come by if you think about it). It'll always be difficult to forget them, even with an eternal star that now dwells within me, the formations of already being paired up remembrance is always there and the care is always there to. It'll show up soon,  my star and my stargazer as we glow across the cryptic skies and the other star gazer will see and he will's just a matter of time before they see our light written on the sky and like all stars our light will touch others and they will see and we'll be remembered.  All will know our light shines bright but our memory and his memory will live on for as long as the infinite eternity dwells sound, swift and stronger than ever before.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Lost And Found

Somehow I just thought that if I were to zone out that you would come and find me, stand beside me, hand on my shoulder asking me if I'm fine, telling me that everything was going to be alright so that when I zone out again you'd be there to pull me back to reality again. When I look up everything inside me was telling me that you weren't going to come, that you weren't going to make it but still I waited, despite it all I'd waited because I was waiting for you. Every second the buses taunted me, taunting me with the false times and false numbers that appeared on them, a couple of times I saw the glowing number of 88 written upon  the 5 buses  that just passed and when I glanced and started out into them at the faces of people on the buses, all of them different, all of them new but non of them were of you.

A little while passed and I was done with waiting, my time was at an end so I went, yes, with tears filling my eyes I walked away. The bus came and somehow I managed to keep it all together, from the tears that threatened to fall at any moment. The tears never came and the bus rolled away but as it did I turned and your bus came, you'd came and within an instant I wanted to jump and stop the bus but you had already gone. My bus had already rolled away and I was leaving to go home without you. Our paths were missed, you are missed but I know that next time I will find you.

Thursday 16 October 2014


                                       My Thank You

Okay, so here's the thing. When I first started writing this blog (after a rather poor attempt to do a blog years ago) I wrote for the sake of writing because of God and because I am in love with writing. That was it, that was the big thing for me putting all of these pieces of worded art up on the internet in hopes that someone somewhere would actually read it and in the course of it all more and more people have taken a pleasure in reading most of my posts (if not all) in my blog. To you all I thank you, all of you, for reading my blog. As always and until my next post....
Cya and God bless you all!

Monday 13 October 2014


What am I doing? I don't know and where am I going I only know the purpose of my mission and the way that I have to go to find it. It's strange though, knowing only the destination but somehow I'll find a way to it. Someday, somehow I'll find my way back out of this labyrinth I call Amnesia.

My Note
I was just experimenting with fonts and styles of font with this one and it's a short one (for once). Not much to it other than that but I hope you all liked it. Once more until my next post cya!

I Fall And Fly

Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm doing and how far to go with things. I'd jumped and in the blissful first phase of my relationship with my lover, my only proper relationship, a part of me loves this and a part of me knows that something bad is bound to happen but it doesn't; it hasn't happened yet. In all of this I think of him, the moments that we shared together in public and behind closed doors, the joy, the love and the tender kisses and I realise that I don't want this to end. All things must end though and I just hope and pray that this doesn't, that I endure enough, that me and my lover endure for long enough and that the part of me that thinks that this is going to end isn't right. I jumped, further than I've ever jumped before and as I jumped to the 'other side' He caught me and then, the unexpected happened because as He caught me so did someone else; my lover caught me as well. Now they hold me, my lover for as long as He wills it and He holds me forever.

Thursday 9 October 2014


I find myself at owe about the things that matter the most, the smallest things, the people that I care about and within that moment of my adoration of all of this it's as if everything comes to life, as if everything has the Light in it and I see it; truly, I see it. Still I find my a thought me asking what day is it, what hour you say and what month? I know not, the truth is that I rather forgotten or rather that I don't want to know within the daze of all of this yet somehow I see.

My Notes

This one is a bit of short one, I know, got bit of a mind block at the moment but hopefully more pieces of writing will be added. Until my next post cya!

Anonymous Dreaming

My Notes

Hey All,
I haven't really written anything in while, once more this is because of some stuff that just happened but after a long awaited wait here's another little piece that I just had enough time to write something; once more I'm really unsure where this one was going  but still. Hope you like all like it!
Happy Reading People!!!

The images cramped into my head; images that were of place I've been, things that I've seen from my past, from my future and from my present beginning in time. The images rush round my head in the way that blood rushes to one's head when left upside down for too long and I can't stop it. As the images take their rapid spin I dodge in and out of this very time so that my mind drifts off into the subconscious deep thought whilst my body tries to catch up with me and in a way it does, I wouldn't be able to talk or even to write to you if it didn't. God's saving grace has made sure of that, so that I'm existing still but sometimes I feel as if I'm not existing at all. Understand this, that I had a dream last night and that I'm thinking. Understand that I had a dream about you.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Find Me

My Notes

Hey all,

It's been a hmm...lets just say 'short' while since I've attempted to write anything these days, other than some more drafts for some more upcoming posts (yay), this is due to college work and other things that just sort of happened. Otherwise expect some more posts when they next happen until then I'll leave you with my new piece which I named 'Find Me' (you'll see the reason for that when you read it), besides that this particular piece is very vivid, without much clarity on it in my personal opinion but please let me know if you think otherwise or discover something else when you read it. As always feel free to comment, recommend, spread the word and... (well you get the idea just read, comment and publicise this blog really).
Enjoy One And All

My hand latched onto the door handle, I twisted it and pushed he door open, a breath of fresh air greeted me and I turned back into the darkness of the room that once captured me. A pause took me, it lasted about a second and then I slowly shut the door behind me, turning back round to the faint street lights and started walking. The night was cold, the tiniest of lights beamed down from the cryptic stars above that sparkled way up there in the night's air above me as if a light, however small, that was leading me a way through the darkness and it was in a way, in the same way that the moon ran it's threads down the lined corner streets that I walked upon. Grey buildings  rose down every street that I walked upon, dark and narrow alleyways peering at me as I passed them, among them darkening shadows fell from the buildings and street lights  that I passed plunging me further and further into the cold darkness as I passed through their shadow but then a street light would glimpse me or the moon's misty rays  would pick me out of the darkness and then I'd be revived into the light again. I walked with my hands in my hands dug into the pockets of my leather jacket through the solitary streets hearing nothing but almost jumping at every turn, with every shadow and every faint corner of  someone's cat that just so happened to walk by. I glanced around to, at every street light, to somebody's house, into the shadows and high above, I glanced everywhere expectant to hear something to break into the silence but there was nothing and no one; just  the silence. I was scared. No one was meant to be out this late, no one or so they tell us but I was, even though I shouldn't be and  even though he was out here as well somewhere. I shouldn't be here but I was and as I walked doubts filled me, fear tingled me. I shouldn't be here I thought to myself, repeating those words over and over again to myself or rather doubt it's self thought those words to me and I figured that they were right, I mean I shouldn't actually be here in the first place, I could of just turned back but then my eyes locked on a sign up ahead with writing on it saying THE DEN and by then I just knew. There was no going back, not now that I've already come too far.

Taking one small step towards the edge of the street I stopped, out of instinct turning both ways before crossing, heading towards the narrow alleyway between the back of the buildings one of which had the white sign with black bold writing saying 'THE DEN' on it. Unlike most of the alleyways that I had past this one wasn't so dark because of the moon's rays that shone against the wall and in certain places of the pavement all leading down towards a single door at the end of the alley, two parell fences of barbed wire trailing along the closest part of the wall near the door, the only part that just so happened to be just about the only opening that broke both the wall and the tiny corner that shaded the grey door. Slowly I approached the door slightly glancing through the opening which viewed a shadowy field and then back again to the door and then I stopped. Pushing myself back up against the wall I waited 5 minutes before the itch of my back forced me back into a stand. The pacing started then. He should be here already but he wasn't, something must be wrong, it had to be...
Hello I thought only this this time not to myself but to someone else, the only other person that should already be here. I heard nothing back so I turned to the door, stretching my hand out towards the door's handle.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Someone said from behind me and that's when I turned to face him just as he stepped out of nowhere smiling.
"It's just a door." I said looking at him as I spoke. He wore the same ripped grey jeans and a black T-shirt today, with white soundless trainers, his dark hair a mess as always but his hazel eyes glimmering in the moon light.
"Still." He said, his smile almost fading but the intent was still there from the sideways glance that he gave the door.
"It's just a door." I told him, my hand still stretched out inches away from the door handle.
It's not that but what's behind the door that matters he told me, his voice coming within the depths my mind, his words echoing still.
I know I answered him glancing around as to avoid his eyes that watched me before then slipping my back into my jacket pocket.
"I didn't think you'd come." I told him glancing back at him. I know he told me.
"I'm here now though." He told me and then smiled and I smiled with him.