Friday 24 October 2014


My Note

Judging by the title of the this post you'd think that it's about stargazing wouldn't you? And even if you'd guessed that (which most people automatically would) then you'd partially be right but then again if you guessed something else entirely then you'd still only be partially right. Now, my job as the writer isn't to make you guess but to read, in a way that just goes by one of the sayings which I have which goes a little something like this: 'I'll write and you read'. This also goes by another saying that I also have, under the similar lines of: 'I'll write and you act'; these two sayings you'd think are simple enough and they are in the extent of me still writing to you but anyway back to the purpose of the title. The meaning of it all I often find is similar to Shakespeare's play called 'Much ADo About Nothing' which is exactly why I wrote this piece in the first a Lot ADo About Nothing. With that in mind will you join me then as I tell you the tale about a Lot ADo About Nothing and a Little ADo About Everything?

It's strange how the light touches the earth from across the sky, heck it's even stranger to have someone that you love spared away from the person that you'd cared for before for so long. It's not a bad strange though, in fact it's the complete opposite because it's a good strange (something which is really hard to come by if you think about it). It'll always be difficult to forget them, even with an eternal star that now dwells within me, the formations of already being paired up remembrance is always there and the care is always there to. It'll show up soon,  my star and my stargazer as we glow across the cryptic skies and the other star gazer will see and he will's just a matter of time before they see our light written on the sky and like all stars our light will touch others and they will see and we'll be remembered.  All will know our light shines bright but our memory and his memory will live on for as long as the infinite eternity dwells sound, swift and stronger than ever before.

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